Sunday, February 7, 2010

My Son is a strappin' 6' 3" monster sized, big house of a dude. His name is Aaron but we and his sisters have exclusive permission to call him Bubba.


He's got a funny, kinda strange sense of humor. Sometimes it ca
n get a little over the top but as he's maturing, he's learning to level that out.


He's extremely talented, both artistically and musically and his great big squidgy, teddy bear style heart is apparent by the way all children and animals warm to him immediately.

He is his sister's hero..
.. And has been mine from time to time.

He works a full time job and pays his way through school - Right now he's in Regional College but he'll be
in Chico by the Fall. He's always been a hard worker - that's the one lesson we tried to teach him that we KNOW he learned - "If you want something, you have to work for it." His room is disgusting. I mean, really, really B-A-D. It smells rotten and I think it may need to be professionally fumigated when he moves out. ICK!!!!

He is way too opinionated for his limited life experiences although, I have to give him kudos on reading up and gaining more knowledge on things that he once knew nothing about.

He loves his Momma. And his Momma loves HIM.


He's getting to be a pretty good cook. He's always up for learning ways to improve what he's already doing. He doesn't take criticism well but not many people do, unless it's positive.


I am extremely proud of my Son. I adored him as a baby, It was never hard to be his Mom - even though it seemed that the whole world swore we wouldn't make it, as I was so young when he was born. They had no idea the gift growing inside me and making my belly swell, but I knew then And I still know. He's amazing and I still adore him now. I admire and respect the man he is growing up to be and I hope that he always remembers that he can do great things.


More than anything, my wish for Aaron is that he is always happy. What ever he chooses to do, where ever he chooses to go, where ever his path takes him, I want him to always find the good, always find his happy and always knows
that his Momma is her happiest when he smiles.

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